The Best UX Design Blogs

Posted on December 9, 2019 | Updated on July 20, 2022

As a designer, you want to create websites with the best user experience possible. Although looking at analytics and using a bit of common sense goes a long way, you should keep your skills brushed up and have the best tools available. Having a growth mindset goes a long way. One easy way to improve your design is to follow the best UX design blogs on the internet today.

Jump to: Designmodo | UXmatters | UX Booth | UX Magazine | UX Movement | 52 Weeks of UXSmashing Magazine | Usabilla Blog | Nielsen Norman Group | Designerly | UX Planet | Usability Geek | UX Myths | Creative Bloq | Awwwards | A List Apart | Inside Design | | The UX Blog | Design Shack | Beautiful Pixels | Noupe | Speckyboy | Inspiration Feed | Boxes and Arrows | Customer Think | Studio by UXPin | Little Big Details | Foolproof | CrazyLeaf Design Blog | Johnny Holland Blog | Mockplus Blog | Designzzz | 1st Web Designer | Vandelay Designs | UX Pin | UserTesting Blog | Making Sense | Interaction Design Foundation | UX Collective

The best UX design blogs aren’t always easy to find, either. That’s why we’ve done the hard work of sorting through the most popular ones out there and narrowing your choices down to these best UX design blogs:

1. Designmodo

If you’ve designed for a few minutes, then you’ve likely run across Designmodo. This blog covers topics for developers, including specifics about UX. It offers a number of resources on its blog, including info on coding, tutorials, inspiration and several categories for articles on design. UX design has its own category on the site, covering topics such as sign-up forms, credit card payment forms and wireframing tips.

2. UXmatters

UXmatters is a blog focused on UX design. The blog started in 2005 and offers tips on UX design for beginner to advanced designers. The articles focus on how designers connect the pieces when it comes to UX design, such as proving its worth to clients or staying on budget while doing research. The site provides several columns covering a wide range of design topics.
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3. UX Booth

UX Booth offers high-quality articles on UX design backed by the latest research. The topics are unique. For example, a recent article covered “The Impact of Voice in UX Design.” If you’re a more advanced designer, then you’ll appreciate the articles on UX Booth. You’re certain to find topics you haven’t read about before and see them from a fresh perspective.
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4. UX Magazine

UX Magazine is a blog that offers information on the latest trends in design, as well as details about the UX industry. Learn about nearby conferences, training opportunities and ways to connect with other designers. The resource is offered free of charge to anyone seeking info on UX design.
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5. UX Movement

UX Movement does an excellent job of looking at examples of what is user-friendly and what isn’t, and training the reader in better design principles. Each article includes visual examples so you can clearly picture what the writer means. For instance, if the topic is on jarring backgrounds, you’ll be shown an example of a background that hurts the eyes and one that doesn’t. This helps you learn as you pick up tips along the way.
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6. 52 Weeks of UX

52 Weeks of UX has an interesting title for its blog, and it is also pretty self-explanatory. Even though the articles are already in place and the site isn’t updated regularly, the topics apply across the board for basic UX principles. Brushing up on those basic skills is a good idea before you add new techniques to your design repertoire.
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7. Smashing Magazine

Even though it covers a wide range of topics, Smashing Magazine offers quite a few unique articles on design that you’ll find helpful as a UX designer. One thing that is particularly helpful on this blog is its monthly web development update. Each month, it produces a list of the most important developments in design. This allows you to easily stay up on the trends and learn new techniques from other UX designers in the field.
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8. Usabilla Blog

Usabilla Blog focuses on all things usability. The blog digs deeply into what customers value most. Some of the articles that form the basis of its UX focus include “How Digital Transformation Brings Positive Changes in Customer Experience” and “The Customer-Centric Framework: Ask, Analyze, Act.” The site offers articles about UX design, sharing actionable tips you can apply to your own work.
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9. Nielsen Norman Group

No list of UX design blogs would be complete without a mention of the Nielsen Norman Group. This blog digs deep into the research behind why users behave the way they do and what they love and hate about websites. You’ll find topics on user testing, e-commerce, mobile design and how to make your site more user friendly.
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10. Designerly

Designerly offers a bounty of resources for designers, including guides on a wide range of topics, such as the best typography for a project and marketing guides. You’ll find inspiration as a freelance designer and tips for making a living running your own design business. The site has a category specifically covering UX design, but you’ll also find topics covering marketing, photography, web design and graphic design.
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11. UX Planet

UX Planet states it is a one-stop resource for UX design topics. Living up to that claim, it offers information on a range of UX topics. Some of their categories include articles for beginners to UX design and information on research studies. In addition, UX designers share their personal insight with readers.
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12. Usability Geek

At Usability Geek, you’ll find case studies on a number of different types of sites and apps. The focus of these studies is on the user experience. Justin Mifsud started the blog in 2011 as a hobby, but the site has since grown to include more than just simple usability. You’ll find topics on IA, UX and HCI. Basically, anything that helps improve UX is available on the site.
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13. UX Myths

If you’re just getting into UX design — or even if you’ve been a UX designer for a while — you may have heard a few myths and aren’t quite sure if they are true or not. UX Myths gets to the core of these myths and explains why they don’t stand up to the standards of UX design. For example, if you believe UX design has nothing to do with usability, you’re mistaken.
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14. Creative Bloq

If you’re looking for design inspiration, start by visiting Creative Bloq. You’ll find a wide range of topics on this blog, including general graphic design, typography and illustrations. Under the Web Design category, you’ll find examples of websites that will inspire you. Pay particular attention to the UX of these sites.
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15. Awwwards

If you’ve not yet had a chance to check out the offerings on Awwwards, take the time to browse through the various categories of web design. There are many different categories, but pay particular attention to the Site of the Day. In order to win in this category, a site needs not only beautiful design, but also functional design.
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16. A List Apart

A List Apart offers conversational-style articles that dig deep into the topics designers discuss among themselves. The blog focuses on building good, user-centered websites. The site looks at the design and development of online content. For example, the blog might examine service businesses and how their sites are designed for maximum user experience. You might also find an article on typography’s past and future.
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17. Inside Design

Inside Design is the blog of an app that helps with design workflow, but offers some truly valuable information for beginning UX designers. One article, in particular, focuses on a career as a UX designer and delves into the specific steps needed to become a UX designer. Other topics include designing for accessibility and mastering design at scale. The layout of the page is easy on the eyes and makes it simple to find the topic you’re looking for.
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This blog is a curation of all the top UX topics out there. It’s a great place to go for a general collection of information and to find more specific blogs that focus on a single topic. Some of the main categories include product design, user research and trends in the industry. You can find topics that dig into the psychology of design or topics on animation in UX.
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19. The UX Blog

The UX Blog focuses solely on UX topics. The blog makes the list because they also offer a podcast filled with useful information on emerging technologies, events at conferences and tips on overall UX design techniques. You’ll find articles on using sketch libraries and seniors and technology use.
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20. Design Shack

This site makes the list because of its staying power and regular content updates. Design Shack was established in 2003 and offers examples of good UX design as well as articles that inform and teach. Although you’ll find basic design topics, such as typography and layouts, you’ll also find UX design specific articles such as “Infinite Scrolling: Pros and Cons” and articles on how to run your UX business, such as “How to Write a UX Proposal.”
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21. Beautiful Pixels

The concept behind Beautiful Pixels is unique. Instead of only offering a variety of articles, the site focuses on coming up with examples of excellent design. Since designers learn by studying the good work of other designers, this blog offers a lot of inspiration. Industry news from gaming to smartphone changes all mix in with images of some of the possibilities from a designer’s standpoint. For example, find an article about wallpapers for different versions of iPhone or an update about the graphics in Switch.
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22. Noupe

This online magazine has a visually pleasing layout that looks good on a PC or a mobile device. It’s easy to scroll through the topics and find one that applies to your needs. You can also use the handy search feature to explore more than 2,500 articles. The topics are particular to UX design, such as “How to Design a Payment Form Your Customers Will Actually Complete” and “5 Free JPG to PDF Converters: Combine Images Easily into PDFs.”
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23. Speckyboy

Speckyboy is a well-known web design blog that offers tips for all types of design. Some of the topics are more advanced than others, so this blog makes our list because it has articles that appeal to all levels of design. They release about four or five new articles every week, so there is always something fresh and interesting to read. Some of the more recent articles include topics such as “Amazing Texture and Pattern Effects with CSS & JavaScript” and “The Design Trend of Using Triangles in Web Design.”
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24. Inspiration Feed

No list of UX design blogs would be complete without some inspiration for designers. If you’re looking for a great font, you’ll find a list of suggestions and images of what the fonts look like. If you want to figure out how to avoid social media marketing mistakes, you can find info on that. There are numerous tips both for living a happier healthier life as a designer and for the design work itself.
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25. Boxes and Arrows

Boxes and Arrows has a different tone than some of the other UX design blogs out there, with a focus on merely improving website experience across the board. Articles cover topics such as mobile UX with pieces about avoiding sign-in mobile antipatterns and mobile user experience design. You’ll also learn in-depth information about prototyping, interfaces and content strategy. The site is geared more toward design veterans, but a few beginner topics are mixed in as well.
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26. Customer Think

This blog focuses on the customer experience as a whole, so your entire premise is a customer-centered approach. The site is made up of business leaders already running profitable customer-centric brands. Topics include journey mapping, blockchain technology and tips for the design thinking stage. The site encourages comments and additional suggestions from the business community, adding even more value to blog posts.
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27. Studio by UXPin

This UX design blog takes a look at the power of UX design and gives a variety of tips and examples of good UX. Grab the free ebook on the greatest web design hits of the year, learn about subtle details to give a design personality and read how to ensure that mobile prototypes perform the way you want. The site also offers webinars on a variety of topics related to user experience.
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28. Little Big Details

Once you’ve been designing for a bit, it’s time to hone in on the little details that make a significant impact on user experience. This blog helps you recognize those little things by showing examples. The posts are short snippets but can have a big impact on the way you look at designing with the user in mind.

One example is of a Google Doc and how the options for capitalization show how the letters look when you choose that option. In another little/big detail, the blog shows how, when you upvote an answer in StackOverflow, a tooltip shows that you haven’t upvoted a question. The reminder makes the typical user actions seamless.
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29. Foolproof

Foolproof has been around for about 17 years, so they’ve seen the changes in digital design over the years. They focus on the best UX practices and share tips for mobile device usage. One thing that’s rather unique about the site is an upcoming events section showing what events their writers will be at and the topics they’ll possibly cover around that time. Some of the topics on the blog include digging deep into semiotics — the study of meaning — and the keys to better understanding the needs of clients.
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30. CrazyLeaf Design Blog

Written by a team of designers, this blog covers a wide range of design tips and publishes articles frequently. Many of the topics relate to UX, such as SEO web design faux pas, maintaining brand consistency across different online platforms and tips from a graphic designer on how to create great content that draws visitors to a site. Check back often, as the site publishes several new posts every week.
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31. Johnny Holland

Johnny focuses on bringing creatives together and having focused discussions on usable design. In addition to his radio program and television episodes, he offers an online magazine. Read articles such as “Designing for Intimacy in a Tech-Based Society” and “User Research: Look & Listen.” Holland is well known for his knowledge of UX designs, and he shares a wide variety of tips that can help you focus on building a better site for your target audience.
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32. Mockplus Blog

Take your designs to the next level by studying some of the tips on Mockplus Blog. For example, learn about different CSS animation examples for engaging users in your designs. Study bad web design examples and learn about some of the most common web design errors. You’ll also gain access to free responsive HTML web templates. Of course, the blog also covers some of the newest features of using Mockplus for prototypes and shows tips for getting the most from the software.
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33. Designzzz

This blog has been around for 20 years and today covers a wide range of topics focused on design and UX. They take a unique look at everyday things to gain inspiration, such as inspirational tattoos to inspire design. If you want to know more about the top Shopify apps to build your e-commerce store, this site offers detailed reviews. The website also compares UX and UI and provides additional ideas for creating the best possible user experience.
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34. 1st Web Designer

1st Web Designer offers tips and tools for designers on UX and UI. The online blog features an entire category on UX design and covers topics such as UX strategy, prototyping and color schemes. They hone in on the things that help with the overall user experience and provide examples so the reader clearly sees the practice in action.

You’ll also find topics such as Instagram accounts where you can find UI and UX design inspiration, web design tricks that boost conversions and ways to reduce shopping cart abandonment. There is a wealth of information on this blog, covering nearly any design topic you can imagine.
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35. Vandelay Designs

If you’re looking for a blog that goes into the basic elements of UX design, Vandelay is a great place to start. It features topics that dig down into how to complete elements good for UX as well as what elements improve the experience. They feature topics every week on things such as how to learn about WordPress on YouTube, the basics of creating a text file icon and making your own email UI icon pack. They also highlight current trends in design, such as parallax scrolling and how to implement it in a way that works for your site visitors.
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36. UX Pin

Although UX Pin is a product, the site features a blog with so many helpful UX topics that it has to be included in this list of great blogs. Hop on over to UX Pin blog, and you’ll learn how to make words your greatest UX weapon, design systems for businesses and more. You can also gain inspiration from their designer of the month features. Many of the topics are more in-depth than what you’ll find on beginner blogs, so this is a great blog for an advanced UX designer looking for the finer details of improving their skills.
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37. UserTesting Blog

UserTesting is a simple tool for the design community, but they too offer a blog that provides insightful tips for improving your design. Some of the topics on their blog are why data isn’t enough to create a customer experience, how product landscape is changing, customer experience for hospitality businesses and resolving design disputes within your company. As you can see, there is a mix of topics, all related to design work.
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38. Making Sense

The Making Sense blog is a nice mix of trendy advice and a common sense approach, and it’s well worth adding to your regular reading list. You’ll find a mix of topics such as AI safety for social scientists, advice for software engineers, connecting UX design to overall business strategy and how an API helps achieve great UX.
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39. Interaction Design Foundation

This website digs deep into learning UX, even offering courses with certification for individuals and for companies. For example, you can take a course on information visualization or learn about gamification and creating addictive user experiences. Although not a traditional blog, they do offer an open-source, open-access library filled with tips on UX design, so it is very similar to the offerings on a blog, with a few more tweaks for those wanting advanced training.
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40. UX Collective

UX Collective is a unique mix of user experience tips and advice from pros in the trenches. The blog curates stories from around the web and allows others to contribute to their site. With 264,000 followers, it’s a popular blog with a lot of interaction among designers. Some of the topics covered recently include a look at UX cliches for newbies, the small details in UX design and info on rapid prototyping. Topics range from beginner to advanced.
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The Best UX Design Blogs

These best ux design blogs give a good outline of some of the skills and best practices needed to design a stellar site that offers users an excellent experience. As you visit various blogs, look for a community of like-minded designers you can connect with. There comes a point in every designer’s career where they need input from others. If you have a community to reach out to, then you can work your way through any design challenge.

About The Author

Eleanor Hecks is the Editor-in-Chief of Designerly Magazine, an online publication dedicated to providing in-depth content from the design and marketing industries. When she's not designing or writing code, you can find her exploring the outdoors with her husband and dog in their RV, burning calories at a local Zumba class, or curled up with a good book with her cats Gem and Cali.

You can find more of Eleanor's work at


  1. Mindmadetechnologies on September 18, 2018 at 6:18 am

    Thanks for the Informative Website and article

  2. Samuel on November 5, 2018 at 11:48 am

    Already a fan of UX Booth. Would love to explore UX Myths.
    Thanks for the recommendations.

    • Eleanor on November 6, 2018 at 2:01 pm

      So glad you found these blogs helpful. Thanks for reading!

  3. Atooz on May 5, 2019 at 7:45 am

    Super article. Will be useful.

  4. google street view on August 6, 2019 at 12:48 am

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  5. Akash Khandavilli on September 5, 2019 at 6:53 am

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  10. APP UX DESIGN on November 19, 2019 at 9:13 am

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    • Eleanor on December 18, 2019 at 7:50 am

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  16. Mathan on May 8, 2020 at 12:52 pm

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