Top Small Business Podcasts You Don’t Want to Miss

Posted on February 24, 2023 | Updated on July 10, 2023

Small business owners have to stay on top of new trends and increase their knowledge to overcome the competition. Small business podcasts are a time-effective way of learning more during unused time such as the morning commute, while getting ready for the day or during downtime at lunch or on a break. If you exercise, you can listen to a podcast and learn while you move your body.

Today’s small business podcasts offer nearly any type of advice you can imagine, from tax tips to how to scale your business up. Struggling with a high employee churn rate? There’s probably a podcast for that. 

Which Are the Best Business Podcasts?

The best business podcasts incorporate storytelling with data, showcasing hard facts business owners can use to grow their companies. People often learn best by hearing examples of what other entrepreneurs before them have done successfully. Look for a podcast with strong stories, successful guests and topics that speak to your industry. 

Although there are hundreds of small business podcasts, we narrowed the options down to a few favorites. These are some of the top choices. You may love these or find others you prefer. The key is to start listening and figure out what speaks to you as an entrepreneur. 

1. Business Breakdowns

One of the best ways to learn how to build a successful business is by breaking down the bones of an already thriving one. Out of the small business podcasts we looked at, we really liked “Business Breakdowns” because of the unique way it pulls in experts from different companies and talks about the negative and positive choices that brought them to where they are today. 

The show looks at topics such as financials, company culture and business model. The guests are CEOs and company leaders. For example, they’ve looked at companies such as Hermes, L’Oreal and Shiprocket. 

We also like how the show is available for nearly any type of device, including downloads on Spotify, Apple, Amazon and Podcast Addict. 

2. School of Greatness

If you’re looking for something a bit different than most small business podcasts, check out School of Greatness with host Lewis Howes. Howes was a football player whose injury sidelined his career. Instead of breaking down after losing that dream, he decided to focus on business topics and began his podcast. “School of Greatness” interviews business leaders and talks about topics such as product design, marketing and buyer behavior. 

You can listen to the podcast directly on Howes’ website. Some of our favorite topics include “4 Ways to Manifest Success,” “How to Become a Millionaire in 2023” and “6 Steps to Manifest the Future You Desire.”

3. The Miss Findependent Show

Nika Farb hosts The Miss Findependent Show, releasing a 60-minute episode each week–some are 30 minutes. Her focus is on helping women entrepreneurs with business finance and investing. 

Users can access the show on her website, Spotify or Apple. Some of the more interesting business-related topics include: “Knowing Your Rights as a Landlord or Tenant,” “Mastering Communication with Others” and “How to Make $200K/year Working in Tech Sales.”

Most small business podcasts focus on specifically building a company rather than more obscure topics. We like Miss Findependent for the conversational tone and unique ideas. 

4. The Goal Digger Podcast

Jenna Kutcher’s “The Goal Digger Podcast” is aimed directly at entrepreneurs who want to have fun making a living. Kutcher interviews successful entrepreneurs and offers ideas to help people go beyond small business podcasts and apply the information to their lives. 

Some of the topics include productivity, marketing and analyzing how your business is doing. She’s interviewed owners of a virtual assistant company, influencers and photographers. 

5. The Side Hustle Show

Millions of people every year start side hustles to make ends meet or as a way to feel out a small business idea before quitting their nine to five jobs. Small business podcasts that include side hustles help people gain the courage to give something new a try. This show focuses specifically on part-time business. 

The hope is always that the side hustle takes off and becomes a main income. However, the podcast is also aimed at those who just want something on the side. The Side Hustle Show is available on their website, Spotify, Apple and Podbean. 

Some of the side hustles covered recently include tutoring businesses, laundromats, commercial cleaning and flipping shoes. 

How Do I Create Small Business Podcasts?

Perhaps you own a company or have a degree and you wonder what it takes to create small business podcasts. To get started, you need a professional quality microphone and an idea. Many sites that publish podcasts offer advice or software to help you get started.

You can either record and edit your show before uploading or choose a digital talk radio show where you can call in and run the show live while recording it. There are many different ways to get your podcast started and free tools such as Audacity for editing.

Play around with the different options until you find the one that’s affordable and gives you the sound quality you desire. 

Finding Your Favorite Small Business Podcasts

Finding small business podcasts is easy. There are hundreds on various platforms. However, choosing your favorite takes a bit more work. Take the time to listen to several episodes to see if you like the tone of the show. Does it match your personality? Find the ones that answer your most pressing questions and subscribe to them so you never miss an episode.

About The Author

Coraline (Cora) Steiner is the Senior Editor of Designerly Magazine, as well as a freelance developer. Coraline particularly enjoys discussing the tech side of design, including IoT and web hosting topics. In her free time, Coraline enjoys creating digital art and is an amateur photographer.

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