8 Essential Features for Pricing Tables That Convert

Posted on January 25, 2016 | Updated on June 13, 2023

The product is ready, prices are set and the website is underway. Are you ready to convert and generate sales? Your pricing tables are an essential tool to making or breaking your success. Here are nine essential features you must consider:

1. Keep It Simple

Buyers think they know what their needs are and want to efficiently make decisions. Your table should deliver the information they want as cleanly as possible. Your table is providing context: your plans versus everyone else’s.

The goal is to distill the information they need to its very simplest form, then educate them on what’s possible.

2. Eliminate Friction

Use your table to eliminate uncertainty. Plan by listing (privately) all the possible objections to your product, pricing and features. Use your features and education to answer those objections ahead of time.

3. Limit the Choices

UX design superstition emphasizes the “Magic 7” as the golden rule for the maximum number of options. However, modern research suggests that limiting choices to three or four can reduce decision fatigue and positively impact conversions.

4. Use the Science

Psychological pricing, also known as charm pricing, is a soundly supported pricing strategy.

Keep your pricing visually simple. Eliminate punctuation as much as possible, as well as trailing zeros and any digits right of the decimal. Research shows that eliminating the unnecessary characters makes prices seem more reasonable and increases the appeal of the product.

5. Color Matters

Every color evokes its own reaction and carries its own meaning. Using color strategically to draw the eye to the option you most want to sell or to differentiating benefits can impact your bottom line.

Utilize color psychology to inspire the reaction you want and subtly direct the eye. Help people choose a plan.

6. Keep It Accessible

That said, colorblindness accessibility is an important idea to keep in mind. Ensure that you are not using color alone to signal meaning; also be sure to emphasize important parts of your pricing information with symbols or size.

Integrating JavaScript may enhance the look of your table, but you run the risk of alienating viewers who have older browsers or devices. Adding these features can augment the experience, but make sure the absence of them is unobtrusive for those without JavaScript.

7. Don’t Let Them Get Lost

A clear call to action is essential for closing the deal and making the sale. You are conveying a lot of information in a small space, educating them about your products, pricing and value. Don’t let them forget they came here to make a purchase.

Visually define the call to action and test which wording works best for your audience. “Buy Now” is too aggressive for some audiences — consider “Get Started” or “Add to Cart.”

8. Show Them What Happens Next

Consider using a linear flow of steps above or below your plans to show them what steps follow purchase. Providing this information gives buyers a sense of control, subconsciously addressing any unknowns.

As with all website features, continue testing options and measuring responses. The site was made to sell products, so set yourself up for success!

About The Author

Eleanor Hecks is the Editor-in-Chief of Designerly Magazine, an online publication dedicated to providing in-depth content from the design and marketing industries. When she's not designing or writing code, you can find her exploring the outdoors with her husband and dog in their RV, burning calories at a local Zumba class, or curled up with a good book with her cats Gem and Cali.

You can find more of Eleanor's work at www.eleanorhecks.com.

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