What Is a Splash Screen in Web Design?

Posted on October 10, 2023 | Updated on October 10, 2023

First impressions matter in web design. When you make a good first impression with users, they’re more willing to return to your app or website. Yet, believe it or not, users make up their minds about an app within milliseconds. While there are various ways to “wow” a user, a splash screen is one of the top designs that enhance the experience.

Splash screens are like a friendly greeting when you first land on a website or open an app. They’re more than a pretty picture — they give users a hint of what’s to come. 

This design tactic sets the tone for your app, but it’s important to understand it before you include it in your site or app’s look. 

What Is a Splash Screen?

A splash screen is a display that appears for a brief second before the main content of a site or app loads. It’s the part that emerges while the platform loads once the user lands on the page or opens an app. 

This screen typically contains a logo, an animation or a short message, but it serves several purposes. For starters, it gives users something to look at while the rest of the content is loading. This makes wait times feel shorter, as it keeps the user distracted for a second before the app opens completely. 

Designers also use splash screens because they’re great for creating a specific mood or feeling. It’s the brand’s chance to catch a user’s attention, make a brand statement, and set the tone for the entire platform.

Consider Netflix as an example of a brand that uses splash screens. You sit down on the couch, ready to binge-watch your favorite show. Yet, before the app loads on your device, the big red “N” appears — which then transitions into the company’s name. 

While this splash screen is simple, it signals users that the app is almost ready for entertainment. Therefore, it holds their attention, getting users excited to see what comes next.

The Pros and Cons of a Splash Screen

While splash screens are a great way to keep users engaged, it’s always important to consider the pros and cons of it. That way, you can determine if this design tactic is right for your app or website.


  • Branding opportunities: Splash screens allow businesses to prominently display their logo or other branding elements. This will enable you to increase brand recognition so users can recall your business more easily than others.
  • Hide load times: Users want an app or website to appear instantaneously. However, platforms with heavy content have slower loading times, so a splash screen can mask that and make it seem like it’s loading quickly.
  • Guidance: Splash screens can provide useful information or hints to users about the app’s usage. This is especially helpful if it’s their first time using it. 
  • User feedback: Indicators like loading bars let users know about the progress so they understand if the site is working or loading. 


  • Added wait times: If not optimized, splash screens can prolong the user’s wait time. When forced to view the page longer than necessary, they’re more likely to leave the platform and move on to something else.
  • Not SEO-friendly: Many splash screens use Flash animation or a graphic. Since that’s all there is on the page, there’s not much for search engines to crawl, which could affect your site’s SEO results.
  • Extra time in development: A splash screen requires additional time in design for it to be functional and aesthetic. So you might ask yourself if your spare time is worth it.
  • Possible confusion: If not designed well, users may mistake the splash screen for the main content and get confused about how to proceed.
  • Performance issues: Poorly optimized splash screens add unnecessary load to an application, causing lag or performance drops. 

Best Practices for Designing a Splash Screen

If a splash screen is right for your application or website, consider implementing these best practices for quality web design.

1. Make It Creative and Simple

A splash screen aims to hold the user’s attention for the first few seconds. The best way to achieve that is by making the design look attractive so you capture their attention. Yet, the page’s look must be simple. An overly complex design can detract from its primary purpose. Plus, simplicity saves time in the design process and looks better all around. 

Balance the two by focusing on one element, like a logo or key graphic. Use minimalistic design principles and include a creative mix of colors. Incorporating the right touch will make your launch screen appealing and user-friendly.

2. Optimize the Loading Time

Long wait times may turn users away, so splash screens should be snappy. Aim for the three-second rule, where the screen should appear and vanish within that time. For frequent users, trimming this to one second or skipping it altogether can enhance their experience. 

If your app’s loading exceeds three seconds, consider using a skeleton screen. It offers a minimal preview of the interface, reassuring users the platform is loading.

3. Maintain Branding Consistency

A splash screen is your chance to make your brand shine. You also want to ensure that this part of your website or app is consistent to keep up with brand awareness and recognition. 

Start maintaining brand consistency by integrating your logo and using colors that resonate with your brand’s identity. Place the emblem centrally to give it a focal point, then use a background of brand-specific colors. 

As users transition to the main interface, ensure the same color palette, typography and design elements are consistent. That way, you reinforce your brand recognition and trust.

4. Use Animation for Entertainment

Animating your splash screen is a great way to energize and captivate users during load times. Consider using subtle motions like a pulsating logo or characters that come to life. Longer, flashy animations will positively impress first-time visitors. However, ensure the animations align with your brand’s tone and keep things speedy. A captivating one should entertain instead of delay.

Make a Lasting Impression With Splash Screens

Splash screens have the potential to delight first-time visitors and keep them returning for more usage of your app or website. However, these loading screens are the only right fit if they make sense for your brand and business. 

So, before you decide to create one for your platform, take the time to research your audience and the type of content you have. Thorough considerations let you make the right decisions. Yet, if you find it suitable, ensure you follow these best practices to make the most of the new addition to your app. 

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