7 Really Useful CSS Snippets for Adding Interactivity

Posted on July 29, 2015 | Updated on June 13, 2023

The evolution of CSS in the web design world has been the largest driving force behind innovative webpage changes. As coding continues to change, more is possible now than ever before. The more inviting your page is, the more traffic you will see, and CSS can help you get there. However, wading through useful CSS snippets can feel overwhelming.

Remember, while interactive improvements are new and exciting, web design is still about balance and simplicity. Overloading the page with interactive features is just as bad as ignoring them completely.

Take a look at these seven amazing examples of how CSS can be used to improve your page.

1. Social Media List

See the Pen Social Navigation by Marco Biedermann (@m412c0) on CodePen.

If you’re in the business of creating a web presence, no one has to tell you about the importance of connecting to customers or readers on social media. This quick CSS design makes it easy for your readers to add you to their favorite feeds.

2. Twitter Button

See the Pen Twitter Button Concept by Erik Deiner by Bennett Feely (@bennettfeely) on CodePen.

Speaking of social media, take a look at this flip-down Twitter button. An advantage here is it draws a little more attention. While creating a series of four or five to display each of your social media platforms would be messy and distracting, this button is an excellent choice if you’re trying to simply emphasize one feed.

3. Sliding Buttons

See the Pen CSS3 Checkbox Styles by Brad Bodine (@bbodine1) on CodePen.

Do you have a lot of options on your page? Check out these slick CSS checkboxes and slides. The inputs rely on html you’re probably already using, but you can’t beat the unique, customized feel of these switches.

4. Fancy Pricing Table

See the Pen CSS3 pricing table by Arkev (@arkev) on CodePen.

Pricing layouts may be one of the most crucial interfaces. This elegant design allows you to emphasize your most enticing offer, subtly directing buyers to a particular option.

5. Pop-Out Statistics

See the Pen UI Statistic Pop Out CSS by Jamie Coulter (@jcoulterdesign) on CodePen.

This could be used a lot of ways. The bottom line, though, is you want your page to be interactive. Use this handy tool to get your viewers interested in the statistics you know they need.

6. Interactive Menu

See the Pen Pure CSS3 Vertical menu with nice hover effect by Jitendra (@berdejitendra) on CodePen.

This interactive menu helps highlight other content on your page. Fight off that dreaded bounce rate by making your menus inviting. Readers will be more likely to click, which will improve your SEO ranking and keep your site collecting those hits.

7. Accordion-Style Content

See the Pen Pure Css Accordion Menu by Anz Joy (@anzjoy) on CodePen.

A clean, attractive design can do wonders for your page design. Sometimes, though, you just have too much content to fit it all on one page. You don’t want to branch it out to different tabs, so what do you do? This handy CSS accordion will help you collapse it down to a tidy, easily-navigatable page.

These seven examples just scratch the surface. Just deciding on a simple responsive menu design could take you hours. If you haven’t started exploring useful CSS snippets, it might be time to give your website a much-needed makeover. Consider the ways that modern programming could turn your site into the interactive tool it could be.

About The Author

Eleanor Hecks is the Editor-in-Chief of Designerly Magazine, an online publication dedicated to providing in-depth content from the design and marketing industries. When she's not designing or writing code, you can find her exploring the outdoors with her husband and dog in their RV, burning calories at a local Zumba class, or curled up with a good book with her cats Gem and Cali.

You can find more of Eleanor's work at www.eleanorhecks.com.

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