Is white a color or a shade — or something else entirely? This age-old question has sparked a debate among color theory enthusiasts — mainly artists and designers with expertise in the color spectrum. Some agree that white is a shade, while others disagree and say it is an absence of color. But what’s the truth?
The color white technically aligns with the definition of color, but some people don’t think it counts because it doesn’t have its own hue or chroma.
The debate around the color is a real thing and has plenty of good points on both sides. Let’s explore what white really is in terms of color so you can answer the question for yourself.
Is White A Color or a Shade?
So, is white a color or a shade? The answer depends on your definition of “color.”
If you think of “color” as the way it is described in physics — the spectrum of light waves visible to humans — then technically no, white is not a color. White, black and even pink are not visible on the color spectrum because they are made by a mixture of wavelengths of light. White is the color we see when all the visible light wavelengths are reflected off of something at the same time.
On the other hand, if you think of “color” in a less technical sense as all the ways humans can process light, then white could be considered a color. For example, if you ask someone what the color of something is, “white” is a viable answer.
Overall, pure white is not a color in the technical sense, but rather something that augments other colors — it turns pure colors into tints, making them pale. While it isn’t listed as a primary color, it certainly serves a similar function. Black offers a similar experience on the opposite end of the light spectrum, that while not being considered a primary color can serve to change the hues of other colors to something deeper.
White Throughout History
Cave drawings are the first signs of using white to make art. Early humans used chalk and calcite to create markings and pictures on walls. Eventually, the color was deemed sacred by Ancient Greeks and Romans, symbolizing light and prestige. With a limited color palette, these primitive humans had to use what was around them in nature. It’s unlikely they thought about whether or not white was a color. Rather, one can surmise, they saw it as something that showed up well on darkened cave walls.
White also appeared in the 4th century B.C. per writings by Theophrast in “De Lapidibus.” People would dip lead bricks in vinegar for 10 days, at which point they scratched decay away from the surface. From there, people would pound the scrapings and strain them until they were left with white lead. Unfortunately, many came down with lead poisoning from this method.
White frequently carried religious connotations and became the mourning color of choice for widowers and those who’d lost their children. This was mainly due to white being the most affordable colored fabric. Many households already owned something white.
Believe it or not, white wedding dresses didn’t come until much later. Always the trendsetter, Queen Victoria wore the first white wedding dress when she married Prince Albert in February 1840.
Other European brides and leaders followed suit. However, due to the high cost of constructing the formal gowns, women wore their wedding dresses many times throughout their lives for different special occasions. Eventually, white began representing purity, innocence, and affluence.
In modern history, white symbolizes simplicity and contemporary aesthetics. It also became the color of the 175-year-old women’s suffrage movement — a tradition that continues today.
What Is the Debate About?
The debate around whether white is a color stems from the fact that it doesn’t have a unique hue. It’s not on the color wheel and isn’t on the visible light spectrum, yet it still shows up. We can still see it because it’s a combination of each color’s wavelength. One could argue it is all the colors rather than none of them, but no one fully agrees on the definition, with some designers saying absence and others saying you can clearly see it.
If we set aside the science of color, some of the debate about whether white is a color or not stems from childhood training. Art classes in elementary school teach ROY B GIV, with the letters standing for the colors of the rainbow.
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Blue
- Green
- Indigo
- Violet
Nowhere on the list is the color white, leading many to have an ingrained sense of white not really being a color.
Humans can see light with wavelengths of 380 to 750 nanometers (nm) — violet ranges from 380–450 nm while the rest of the color spectrum is between 590–750 nm. However, if we’re strictly sticking with visible wavelengths, we leave out white, black, pink and many others that fall out of range — more on that later.
While some think white is a color because it’s instantly recognizable and unique from more colorful hues, others feel it isn’t because it represents absence and negative space. Basically, if you define color by the above argument, then white does not technically fit the description. However, if you view it as all the ways we process light and dark, these outliers are indeed colors.
The debate is similar to the argument about whether water is wet or not — it’s primarily based on semantics. Still, there are solid arguments for both sides that have roots in psychology and science.
What’s the Psychology of the Color White?
Many people feel white isn’t a color because they think it represents nothing, but it has many emotional and psychological connections. For example, it can invoke feelings of innocence, coldness, purity, sterility, or peace. In graphic design, white often brings images of happiness, cleanliness, or safety to mind. Different cultures view the color in unique ways.
You’ve heard of a “blank slate” — the opportunity for a do-over. Some regard white as a new beginning to release themselves from past actions and negativity. It also represents open-mindedness, allowing space to imagine whatever you want to create.
Some of the confusion might come from the fact that people use white as a base. It goes well with everything because it’s neutral, so it’s often the starting point for designs and text. Since people view a blank canvas as empty and think of coloring as adding something new, it makes a connection in their minds that white isn’t a color.
White can brighten a small, dark room, bring levity to a sad situation or represent cleanliness. Most people have no extreme negative reaction to the color since it is neutral and tends to blend into designs and space.
What’s the Science of the Color White?
As mentioned previously, the science behind white involves looking at the wavelengths of colors. Red, green, and blue light combine to form white. People who feel it isn’t a color use this to argue their point, claiming it technically can’t be one because it isn’t its own hue on the visible light spectrum.
While that logic seems reasonable, it overlooks a crucial point. Remember how we said we can see colors that are not on the wavelength spectrum? Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, indigo, and violet are the only colors on the color wheel, which leaves out white, black, gray, brown, and magenta.
Red and violet are at opposite ends of the spectrum, so the brain glitches and sees pink even though green is the average. It’s not really a “real” color — it’s simply what happens to the human mind when it mixes specific wavelengths. With that knowledge, would you declare that it is no longer a color?
Additionally, people experience color as a visual sensation in their minds. There is a distinct reaction that happens when they view white because they recognize that it is unique. While it’s true that it is only a combination of every hue’s wavelength, perceiving something and getting a particular mental response is the very definition of color.
On the other hand, it provides very little mental or visual simulation in comparison to things like red, yellow, blue, or violet. They each have strong emotional and behavioral connections in a way that white doesn’t. Because of this, most people think of negative space when they see it. It blends into the background and supports other hues instead of standing out.
Do Variations of White Count as Colors?
Speaking of shades, a pure white living room could feel somewhat sterile. Thankfully, you have the option to paint the room a toned-down white for warmth. But do these variations of white count as colors, or are the different “whites” simply hues that started as a bold color and undergone saturation?
White has various shades and tones that make it look different, so they might count as colors. Many are merely incredibly light versions of hues. Common variations are eggshell, ivory, snow, cream, cotton, and porcelain. Some are bright and bold, while others are soft and subtle.
They fall into two different categories depending on what their undertone is. Warm whites usually appear slightly tan, while cool whites often have a blue-gray look to them. However, there are millions of possible swatches since any color can look white if it’s light enough.
One kind — true white — doesn’t have any undertones. It is actually one of the most common website background colors because it’s so clean and striking. Black text pops against the contrast of a white space. Other hues tend to look more vibrant when they have space to show off. Essentially, it’s the brightest version of the color.
Still, even that is up for debate because its pureness depends significantly on how much light bounces off it. For instance, scientists at Purdue University only recently developed a version in April 2023 that reflects over 98% of light, making it the world’s whitest color.
While it’s useful, it can be incredibly overpowering to look at and seem blinding because it reflects so much light. Plus, it is particularly challenging to achieve true white, so most variations are basically extremely pale versions of regular colors. The semantics get somewhat complex at this point in the debate.
If a very light pink that appears white counts as a color, then does white count as one, too, when it has a subtle undertone? While there’s no right answer, it lends to the argument that white is its own color.
White in Website Design
One of the best ways to get a feel for how white works in design is by studying what others have done when using it in their designs. We’ve picked a couple of websites we think tap into the power of the color white for an elegant, light look.
Kukla Gold
Kukla Gold has a minimalistic black and white design. The negative space on the page makes the few colors pop. The hero image has a pink-tinted white featuring the color maroon, which some also argue is not a true shade. The simple design is elegant and makes one thing of a wedding, as the brand sells engagement rings.
Mariaus Paskevicius Judo School
Marcraft Digitals shares a design they did for Mariaus Paskevicius Judo School. Notice the white in the images and the background mixed with the sharp contast of white text on a black background. The site shows strength, which perfectly suits the industry it’s representing.
A few pops of yellow here and there as an accent color grab user attention because of the ample amounts of black and white hues on the page.
When using white in design, take the time to consider if it meets the needs of your clients and keeps them engaged. Run split testing where needed to ensure you’re hitting the right elements.
Is White a Color or Not?
Now that you’ve considered the science, psychology, and variations of white, what do you believe? Is white a color or not? The evidence is strong for both sides of the debate, which may not give you the definitive answer you’re looking for. So, let’s recap.
While white doesn’t have its own hue on the visible light spectrum, many consider it to be a color because it’s instantly recognizable as a separate, unique color. People believe it is devoid of colors, but the opposite is true — black is the absence of color, while white is basically a combination of them all.
Some people argue that it isn’t because it isn’t on the color wheel or visible light spectrum, while others feel that it is because it’s plainly visible and has an entirely different look than any of the shades of the rainbow. Both points are based on a lot of technicalities — and herein lies the challenges of coming up with a correct answer. You wouldn’t be wrong to think of white as a color or not.
Pick Your Side
The word “color” encapsulates many different things. Do people use it when they actually mean to say “pigment” or “light radiation” instead? If so, does it matter? In most cases, the answer is no. In that case, is white a color? Whether or not white counts as one may always be up for debate. It’s an argument based on technicalities — meaning you’re more or less correct no matter which side you choose.
About The Author
Eleanor Hecks is the Editor-in-Chief of Designerly Magazine, an online publication dedicated to providing in-depth content from the design and marketing industries. When she's not designing or writing code, you can find her exploring the outdoors with her husband and dog in their RV, burning calories at a local Zumba class, or curled up with a good book with her cats Gem and Cali.
You can find more of Eleanor's work at
If white is a color, why do we refer to “colored people” only as brown and black and Asians?
Hi Jeannie,
Thanks so much for reading our article. You pose an interesting and thought-provoking question. The title and content of this article is in regards to graphic design. In the design world, white contains all colors in the light spectrum. It often serves as a background to create negative space in a design. White is simply a shade and can be a bright-white, cream and everything in between just as humans have different shades of skin color. We’ve used the word “color” in reference to design terms. We hope you’ll return and learn more about our thoughts on brand color palettes and best design practices.