How Marketers Can Create an Optimal Content Creation Strategy for Social Media

Posted on October 15, 2024 | Updated on October 15, 2024

Internet trends change rapidly and unexpectedly, which can make knowing when, where, and what to post difficult. Marketing professionals must develop content creation strategies for social media to take control of their online brand perception. But where should they start? What should they optimize? Understanding the fundamentals can help them succeed.

How Do Businesses Know What, Where, and When to Post?

While there’s no hidden secret to what, when, and where marketing professionals should post, there is more than one good rule of thumb they should follow. 

What to Post on Social Media 

The type of content marketers should post varies from platform to platform. For example, YouTube is best for long-form content that asks and answers a burning question to keep the audience engaged. On the other hand, TikTok users prefer short-form content that serves a purpose — they want to laugh, cry, or grimace and then move on.

Younger audiences like it when brands put in an unusual amount of effort, stay on top of trends, and leverage shock value — without being offensive — because it’s interesting and fresh. On the other hand, older demographics enjoy novelty and nostalgia. They want a brand that speaks to their needs, serves a purpose, or says what they’re thinking.

Where to Post on Social Media

Brands should diversify. Consumers have accounts on at least 6.7 different platforms on average. They often want to consume different kinds of content depending on the app they use, giving marketers a unique opportunity to boost engagement. Successful content creation for social media involves being active on big sites like Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram. 

When to Post on Social Media 

Time plays a role in social media consumption. However, contrary to popular belief, there’s no secret “best” time to post. Brands should push content when they or their followers will be most active to maximize engagement. The average person spent 2.4 hours per day on social media in 2024, which provides a large window of opportunity. 

Why there’s no secret “best” time to post on social media. Source: Katie Lance

How often should marketers post on social media to get followers? It depends on the type of content they create. Users are likely following multiple brands, friends, influencers, and content creators, so they may get overwhelmed if the posts aren’t easily digestible. On the other hand, posting too infrequently — only once per month at most — may cause them to lose interest.

What Optimal Content Creation for Social Media Looks Like

Marketers should look to successful brands before developing a content creation strategy for social media. What do they talk about? How often do they post? When do they respond to users? Overanalyzing their online presence and persona can help businesses get an idea of where to start. 

Duolingo is an excellent example of a brand that has perfected content creation for social media. Its TikTok posts include a behind-the-scenes Brazilian butt lift and animated shorts. On YouTube, its videos range from a minute-long musical number to a 2-hour “study with me” session. Its unconventional techniques helped it acquire 80% of its users organically. 

GoPro’s Instagram page, showing its more than 20 million followers. Source:

GoPro is another great example. On Instagram alone, it has over 20 million followers. Its social media pages can be split into two categories — product demonstrations and user-generated content. By posting videos captured by customers using its product, it enhances its credibility while entertaining. 

National Geographic stands out despite not embracing an unconventional content creation strategy for social media. It has hundreds of millions of followers on Instagram and tens of millions on TikTok. Its posts are mainly informative and bite-sized. The rest of its content is visually striking or features rare natural events. Either way, it maximizes shareability. 

How to Create a Content Creation Strategy for Social Media

It’s normal for marketers to run out of ideas or feel like their strategy isn’t paying off. Even with great content, they have to wait until the algorithm pushes their content. If they optimize their social media strategy, they can gain followers and boost engagement faster. 

1. Audit Your Current Social Media Strategy

Marketers should audit their current content creation strategies. Is their equipment good enough? A phone or camera that records in at least full HD resolution is essential for high-quality images. What about their follower count? The month-to-month change reveals whether their strategy is effective or not.

2. Find out What Your Audience Wants to See

Professionals must research their target demographic. Would they rather see short-form videos or interactive content like live streams? Do they prefer informative posts or comedic sketches? How long are they willing to watch until their interest drops off? The smallest change can make a big difference. For instance, emoji use increases likes by 72% and click-through rates by 25%.

3. Align Your Profile With Your Brand’s Image

Does the company’s profile picture, bio, and followers align with its content? Do its posts reflect the brand image and mission? Are tags and links relevant and helpful to the audience? Content creation doesn’t just consider post types. 

4. See What’s Working for Your Competition 

Marketing professionals should analyze their direct competitor’s posts to see what their target demographic likes seeing. Seeing the amount of likes and comments isn’t enough — context is everything. A post with 30,000 comments may look like it’s doing well when, in reality, the comment section is flooded with bots or angry users.  

5. Set a Schedule With a Content Calendar 

A content calendar helps brands stay on track and deliver as promised. Social media users appreciate a consistent post schedule because it lets them set aside time to consume content and gives them enough time to look forward to a release. If marketers have to deviate from their plan, they should give users a friendly heads-up. 

Successfully Optimizing Content Creation for Social Media 

Whether businesses want to re-release their ads on TikTok or build a following on YouTube, they need to understand the fundamentals of content creation for social media. The ever-evolving online landscape is complex, but marketers can anticipate and manage change with enough knowledge and experience.

About The Author

Cooper Adwin is the Assistant Editor of Designerly Magazine. With several years of experience as a social media manager for a design company, Cooper particularly enjoys focusing on social and design news and topics that help brands create a seamless social media presence. Outside of Designerly, you can find Cooper playing D&D with friends or curled up with his cat and a good book.

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