Creating a Festive Website

Posted on December 12, 2017 | Updated on November 13, 2023

Each year, more and more consumers go online to complete their holiday shopping. Creating a more festive website is one way to attract extra business this year. Industry experts forecast worldwide retail e-commerce sales will reach approximately 6.3 trillion U.S. dollars in 2023. This means you can easily attract new customers between Black Friday and Christmas. As that traffic lands on your page, you want them in the mood to shop and prepare for the holiday.

There are several ways to make a festive website during this time. You don’t have to spend a fortune to get there. Like how people decorate their homes for the holidays, you can go all out or add just a few little touches. You can spend a lot or just a little. Make your site look like Santa’s sleigh crashed into it. You could also choose a minimalistic approach.

1. Add a Festive Theme to Your Sales

Adding a festive touch to sales promotions can significantly enhance customer engagement and excitement during the holiday season.One way to add a merry touch to your website is to give your sales promotions unique names. 

For instance, “12 Days of Deals” for Christmas, “Festival of Savings” for Hanukkah or “Diwali Discount Extravaganza.” These names should be fun, memorable and resonate with the holiday’s spirit.

Beyond just the name, incorporating festive elements into the promotion is crucial. It could involve themed discounts, special holiday bundles or limited-time offers that capture the season’s essence. For example, a Christmas promotion might include “Santa’s Mystery Gift” with certain purchases, or a Hanukkah promotion could offer a different discount each night.

Add holiday-specific photos to the slider on your home page or at the top of individual product categories to market these festive sales promotions. You can also leverage social media with positive hashtags and send out themed email newsletters. Think about the types of sales you typically offer. Try to figure out how to work festive themes or sayings and songs into the names of the sales.

2. Dress Up Your Logo

If you’ve visited Google occasionally, you’ve probably noticed that they regularly change their logo to reflect the holiday and all sorts of special occasions. The key is incorporating subtle yet distinct festive elements into the existing logo. This could be as simple as adding a wreath to the top of one of your letters, holiday lights around the logo or draping a Santa hat from one corner. 

Ensuring these additions don’t overpower the logo’s brand identity and core design is critical. The festive elements should be an enhancement, not a distraction. In addition, recognizing the diversity of holidays is imperative if the business caters to a global audience.

Consider rotating different festive themes based on the ongoing holiday or providing a neutral winter-themed logo during the season. This approach shows cultural sensitivity and inclusiveness.

3. New Website Theme

Another option is to include an entirely different theme for the holidays. Using seasonal graphics and icons is a fantastic way to infuse a website with a holiday spirit. For example, you could temporarily switch your site to a gift-wrapped present theme from the day after Thanksgiving until the day after Christmas.

You can also add festive graphics and icons to your website. The key is to choose visually appealing images that align with the holiday’s theme. Placing them in the website’s header or footer can add a subtle festive touch. Incorporating them into the menu bars or as decorative elements around relevant content can also be effective.

However, it’s essential to maintain a balance between festive cheer and the website’s professional look. Overloading the site with graphics can make it look cluttered and potentially hinder user experience. Using a limited number of well-chosen pictures and evenly distributing them across the site is advisable.

After the holidays, you switch back to your typical design. This can be an opportunity to try different looks for your website and see how effective the changes are with customers. You can keep some of them throughout the year without the season-specific elements.

4. Implement Seasonal SEO Strategies

Optimizing your website with holiday-specific keywords is a creative strategy for improving visibility and attracting more traffic during the festive season. Identify the right holiday-specific keywords. It involves researching terms that customers commonly search for during the festive season.

For example, a might focus on keywords like “Christmas gifts,” “Hanukkah decorations,” or “New Year’s deals.” Tools like Google Keyword Planner can be instrumental in finding these relevant terms.

Once you have identified the keywords, you can seamlessly integrate them into the website’s content. It includes updating product descriptions, blog posts, meta descriptions and the website’s title tags with these festive keywords. The key is to use them naturally and contextually, ensuring the content remains relevant and engaging.

You can also create new, holiday-themed content that incorporates these keywords. It could be blog posts about holiday gift ideas, tips for festive decorating or articles about unique holiday traditions. This type of content helps in search engine optimization, engages users and enhances the lively atmosphere of the website.

5. Feature Holiday Products

Updating website content for the festive season effectively engages visitors and enhances the holiday experience. One smart way to dress up your website for the holidays and make it more positive is to feature holiday-specific products.

Create dedicated sections on the website for holiday offerings. It could be a unique “Holiday Collection” or “Seasonal Specials” page that showcases everything the business offers for the season. Ensure these sections are easily accessible from the homepage and other principal pages.

Another idea is to create a holiday gift guide. These collections can help customers find the perfect gifts by categorizing products based on interests or price ranges, such as a list of gifts for under $20, gadgets your guy will love or presents for your best friend. 

You can create particular promotional pages to highlight deals, discounts or exclusive holiday packages. You can add a link to this page on banners, email newsletters and social media posts to drive traffic. This approach allows you to show customers that you can meet all their gift-giving needs no matter the time of year.

6. Switch Up the Colors

What if you don’t sell any holiday-specific items? Perhaps you offer a single service, for example. If you want a more subtle effect, you can always keep everything on your site just as it is and change a few colors to make things more festive. 

Colors are powerful tools in setting the mood and atmosphere for a website. Whether warm reds and greens of Christmas, the cool blues and silvers of Hanukkah or the vibrant array of colors in Diwali celebrations, each palette brings its unique festive feel.

Integrating these colors into the website’s design can be fun and strategic. These changes don’t have to be overwhelming. You can do many small and subtle things to make a more festive website without going overboard and changing your brand’s personality.

7. Social Media Integration

Leveraging social media platforms is a highly effective way to promote content and drive traffic to the website. Start by promoting your festive website content on social media platforms. It includes sharing links to holiday-themed blog posts, special offers or new product launches.

Likewise, you can use holiday-specific hashtags to increase the visibility of your posts. These hashtags help reach a wider audience who are searching for festive content. For example, hashtags like #ChristmasGifts, #Hanukkah2023 or #NewYearDeals can be effective.

Beyond posting fresh content, businesses must engage with their audience on social media. Respond to comments, ask holiday-themed questions or run festive polls. This interaction boosts engagement and fosters a sense of community among followers.

Another way to take advantage of social media is to create special offers exclusive to followers. It could be a discount code or early access to a holiday sale. These exclusive deals can drive traffic from social media to the website and encourage followers to purchase.

8. Countdown the Days

Many people get excited about Christmas significantly the closer the holiday gets. Adding a countdown clock to your website is one way to get in on this excitement. This might say “X Days Until Christmas” or “Only X Shopping Days Left.” No matter how you word it, people will likely appreciate the reminder and be well aware that you are a big fan of the holiday.

You can add some holiday festivities they can participate in on your website. This can range from special sales to celebrity guest appearances to tips on how to do anything from wrapping a present perfectly to making reindeer food. Think outside the box and determine what your audience would enjoy learning more about.

Making a more festive website doesn’t have to take a lot of time or money. As mentioned above, small touches can have a significant impact. Be sure to send an email and let your subscribers know how you’re celebrating on your website so they can join in and share with others!

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About The Author

Eleanor Hecks is the Editor-in-Chief of Designerly Magazine, an online publication dedicated to providing in-depth content from the design and marketing industries. When she's not designing or writing code, you can find her exploring the outdoors with her husband and dog in their RV, burning calories at a local Zumba class, or curled up with a good book with her cats Gem and Cali.

You can find more of Eleanor's work at

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