9 Graphic Design Interview Questions To Prepare For

Posted on November 9, 2022 | Updated on November 9, 2022

If you’ve been on the hunt for a new job, the process can be nerve-wracking. Yet once you land an interview, it’s always good to ensure you prepare yourself.

Preparation is crucial before the big day. And you’re likely wondering what type of graphic design interview questions the hiring manager will ask. In most interviews, the hiring manager wants to get to know the graphic designer behind their portfolio. 

Plus, interviews allow you to learn about the company, its teams and everything that entails this new role. 

To boost your confidence for the day of the interview, here are the most common questions you may run into and how you can answer them.

1. Tell Me About Yourself

This graphic design interview question is where you have a chance to make yourself shine. It also allows you to explain why you’d be a great fit for the position. 

When you answer this question, think of it as an elevator pitch. You can talk about your past work experience and how it relates to the job opening. 

One way you can make a great impression is by mixing in your personal interests that tie to your professional experience. Consider highlighting your accomplishments and offer specific examples.

The goal is to align yourself with the job requirements and make a case for how your personality and skills match the job and team environment.

2. What Inspired You To Get Into Graphic Design?

Interviewers want to see how passionate you are about graphic design and get a sense of what motivates you. The best way to answer this question is by showcasing your abilities through a completed project. 

You could also offer your educational background and what qualifies you as a graphic designer.

For example, you could say how much you enjoy being creative and that graphic design is a platform to showcase your skills. You could also talk about your degree and internship and any certifications you received in your time.

Providing these answers tells the interviewer how well you fit into the graphic design world. Plus, the more experience you have, the higher the wage you can demand during your salary negotiations once you receive your job offer.

3. What Project Are You Most Proud Of? Can You Walk Me Through the Process?

The project you discuss will be the work you choose from your portfolio. Consider selecting a piece you’ve completed that’s relevant to the position. Then, you can discuss it as if it were a presentation.

For example, you’ll need to clearly explain the project brief, the strategy and tools you used, the reasoning behind the design elements and the outcome. 

Discussing a project allows you to incorporate your personality and excitement for design. It also gives the interviewer insight into your thought process and how you work. You could also talk about who inspired you to design this project, showing your awareness of industry trends.

Additionally, you can discuss your brief about how you found a solution. This gives the interviewer an idea of how you communicate alongside your ideation process.

4. Why Are You Interested in Working for Us?

This is one of the top graphic design interview questions that you should answer carefully. It shows how much you’re interested in the position and the company. Plus, the interviewer wants to see how you can increase their bottom line and how much you know about the company.

When answering this question, clarify how you can be an asset to the organization. Hiring managers often ask this question to learn how you fit into the team. It also helps them understand your motivations for the role and professional goals.

Additionally, it helps if you emphasize what parts of the job you feel most excited about and how the responsibilities tie into your experience. 

This question also allows you to show the interviewer how informed you are about the company’s culture, work and ethics. 

5. What Should Designers Prioritize in the Design Process?

This graphic design interview question is common for designers. Most interviewers will ask this to learn more about your approach since every designer has their own perspective. 

To thoughtfully answer this question, start by sharing what you find most important when beginning a new design project. Some common aspects of design that designers prioritize include:

  • User Engagement
  • Design Framework
  • Visual aesthetics
  • Usability
  • Content
  • Typography

An example of an answer could be to start by saying every designer has their own perspective. However, I like to put content and user engagement at the top of my list. That’s because the design doesn’t have a purpose if the quality of content isn’t engaging and attractive enough.

6. What Makes Someone a Good Designer?

Aside from the skills a designer needs, you could consider what makes a designer well-rounded. For instance, you may want to mention time-management efficiency, interpersonal skills, project management, problem-solving and a growth mindset.

Once you list the qualities that make a good designer, you can indicate how your skills and processes can enhance projects. In essence, you could answer this question as to how you compare yourself to those qualities. 

7. How Do You Manage Creative Blocks?

Creative blocks are bound to happen at some point in your career. Yet, it is essential to know how to move past them, especially with deadlines. Therefore, you can prepare for this interview question by considering how you manage these setbacks. 

In an interview, the hiring manager wants to know how you get through creative blocks without taking a prolonged break. However, they also want to see how you recognize when it’s time to take a break to increase productivity.

Creative blocks can occur when designers overwork themselves, often leading to burnout and decreased motivation. If you can also mention how you avoid these, this will show how proactive you are in taking preventive measures before a major project.

8. What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?

Many candidates have difficulty answering this question because they’re unsure how to answer it. Of course, it can be challenging to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. Yet, it’s important to share some examples of each.

Sharing your qualifications gives the hiring manager insight into how these may impact your performance at work. 

While assessing your strengths, the interviewer will want to know how you align with the role, allowing you to show transparency and empathy.

You can also explain areas you need to improve and how you’re working on them through self-development. Consider explaining those steps you’ll take to increase your skills.

For example, suppose you lack expertise in a specific program. In that case, you could tell the hiring manager how you’re taking a course to enhance your skill.

9. How Do You Manage Tight Deadlines?

Handling projects with tight deadlines is a general part of being a graphic designer. For this question, you can easily answer by thinking about how you’ve managed short turnaround times and prioritized tasks in the past. 

This question intends to help the hiring manager learn how you handle the process of various projects. 

Consider sharing a story of how you remained focused and motivated during your project and whether you completed it on time. The more specific you get in your answer, the better the hiring manager can understand your time management skills. 

Practice Answering Your Graphic Design Interview Questions

With these graphic design interview questions in mind, you must take the time to figure out how you’ll answer them. That way, you’ll feel more comfortable giving answers, and the hiring manager will notice your confidence. 

Consider practicing with a family member or friend. If it’s been a while since your last interview, this exercise will help increase your preparation.

About The Author

Eleanor Hecks is the Editor-in-Chief of Designerly Magazine, an online publication dedicated to providing in-depth content from the design and marketing industries. When she's not designing or writing code, you can find her exploring the outdoors with her husband and dog in their RV, burning calories at a local Zumba class, or curled up with a good book with her cats Gem and Cali.

You can find more of Eleanor's work at www.eleanorhecks.com.

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